From good to great: The evolving role of the chair

Fuente: Ethicalboardroom Autor: John Harte, Managing Partner at Integrity Governance The role of the chair, to lead the board so it performs successfully, has been changing...

Ripples of Responsibility: How Long-Term Investors Navigate Uncertainty With Purpose

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autores: Matthew Leatherman, Ariel Babcock, and Victoria Tellez, FCLTGlobal Investment organizations around the world face an array of...

Seminario: Talento, Diversidad y Valor Empresarial: Insights Clave

Revisa los momentos clave del seminario "Talento, Diversidad y Valor empresarial" organizado por el ministerio de la mujer y equidad de género, junto con...

Building a sustainable approach to tax governance

Fuente: Ethical Boardroom Autor: Gregory Price, Tax partner at Macfarlanes LLP Do you ‘say what you pay with pride’? That was the challenge to companies set...

Director Compensation Practices in the Russell 3000 and S&P 500 (2018 to 2021)

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autores: Matteo Tonello (The Conference Board), Mark Emanuel (Semler Brossy), Todd Sirras (Semler Brossy), Elijah Ostro (Semler...

Jefe Dpto. Administración Contratos El Teniente: “Considero muy conveniente la representación laboral bien ejercida...

Fuente: Revista Nueva Minería y Energía Autora: Camila Morales Durante cuatro años Ghassan Dayoub tuvo la desafiante tarea de compatibilizar dos labores en Codelco. Primero, como...

Trust: A Critical Asset

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autores: Don Fancher, Jennifer Lee, and Debbie McCormack, Deloitte Introduction The responsibilities of boards of directors continue to evolve...

“The Worldview in June 2021: Scenarios and Opportunities” con Sven Smit

Este año los directorios han enfrentado escenarios particularmente complejos, en particular por los efectos del Covid-19, la reactivación económica dispar al rededor del mundo...

Legacy Companies Need to Become More Data Driven — Fast

Fuente: Harvard Business Review Autores: Randy Bean, NewVantage Partners & Ash Gupta, Senior Executive at American Express La capacidad de implementar datos como activo empresarial competitivo...

Breaking the remuneration taboo

Fuente: Ethicalboardroom Autor: Andrés Bernal & Catalina Rojas – Partners at Governance Consultants S.A   Being a board member is a part-time job, with full-time responsibilities. If...

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