A Prophet, A Traffic Cop And A Chess Master Walked Into A Board: The...

Fuente: Forbes Autor: Suzy Taherian In normal times, most boards would meet on a quarterly basis to approve minutes from the last month, review current financials...

En crisis, encender las “luces altas” en el directorio

Fuente: Diario Financiero (30 de abril 2020) 

Stakeholder Principles in the COVID Era

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autor: Klaus Schwab, Brian Moynihan, Feike Sijbesma and Jim Snabe, World Economic Forum The business community’s contribution: to...

Cybersecurity Defense and Oversight During the COVID-19 Crisis

Fuente: National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) Autores: Chris Hetner and Derek Vadala As the COVID-19 pandemic escalates and causes global disruption, those in corporate governance...

Succession Planning in a Time of Crisis

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autor: Richard Alsop, John J. Cannon III, and Doreen Lilienfeld, Shearman & Sterling LLP Planning for an unexpected...

¿Estamos siendo testigos de un nuevo orden mundial? – Forbes Middle East

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Gestion de la crisis del COVID-19 y claves para la recuperación en España

A propósito de la llegada del COVID-19 a Chile, el Círculo de Directores organizó una videoconferencia con dos líderes del Boston Consulting Group en...

How you can help small businesses impacted by COVID-19

Fuente: Bankrate Autor: Meredith Hoffman In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, small business owner Brittany Franey can be found standing in her driveway passing out...

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