Building an agile board in a disrupted world

Fuente: Ethical Boardroom Autor: Nancy Falls – Chief Executive Officer of The Concinnity Company   The world of business is a world disrupted. Digital advances are changing the...

The questions that will shape the future of capitalism

Fuente: Chicago Booth Review Autor: John Paul Rollert     What is the promise of capitalism? That may seem like a strange question, and when I ask it of...

¿Cómo debe reaccionar el directorio ante una crisis?

Fuente: El Mercurio Autor: EY, Instituto de Directores Chile

Jornada de Reflexión Círculo de Directores (22 de noviembre, 2019)

Durante octubre y noviembre el país ha vivido una situación excepcional de rabia, frustración, violencia y miedo, pero también de debate, escucha y reflexión...

Speech by SEC Chairman Clayton at the University of Pennsylvania: Modernizing our Regulatory Framework:...

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation Autor: Jay Clayton, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Introduction Thank you for providing me the opportunity...

Fall of the Ivory Tower: Controlled Companies and Shareholder Activism

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation Autor: Amy Freedman, Michael Fein, and Ian Robertson Despite longstanding complaints about governance and the...

Female CEOs are held to a higher standard than their male counterparts

Fuente: MarketWatch Autor: Meera Jagannathan     Consumers are less likely to buy products from female-led organizations than they are from male-led organizations following an ethical failure, a...

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