Gobierno Corporativo: Visión del regulador en un mundo en transformación – Comisión para el...
Seminario "Directorio y desafíos de la transformación" (martes 4 de junio, 2019)
Mauricio Larrain, comisionado de la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (CMF), presenta la...
Boards Can Balance Profit & Social Purpose
Fuente: Directors & Boards - Autor: Eve Tahmincioglu
Influential corporate law judge Leo Strine discusses the role directors, investors and executives can play in curtailing...
Corporate Governance—The New Paradigm: A Better Way Than Federalization
Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation
Autor: Martin Lipton
While “The Accountable Capitalism Act” introduced last week by Senator Elizabeth Warren...
The Board and ESG
Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation
Discussions of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters have taken hold in mainstream media, government bodies,...
Report Urges Reform Of Remuneration Committees To Tackle CEO Pay
Karen Higginbottom - Leadership Strategy
Fuente: Forbes
Top bosses earn 133 times more than the average worker, according to the latest analysis by the Chartered Institute of...