Several crises in one: what effects will COVID-19 have on the global risk landscape?

Fuente: World Economic Forum A new Forum report based on the views of 350 senior risk professionals analyses the pandemic's implications for the world. ...

Cybersecurity Defense and Oversight During the COVID-19 Crisis

Fuente: National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) Autores: Chris Hetner and Derek Vadala As the COVID-19 pandemic escalates and causes global disruption, those in corporate governance...

Succession Planning in a Time of Crisis

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autor: Richard Alsop, John J. Cannon III, and Doreen Lilienfeld, Shearman & Sterling LLP Planning for an unexpected...

COVID-19, directorios y seguridad digital de las empresas

Fuente: El Mercurio (14 de abril 2020)

Accounting, Disclosure, and Internal Control Considerations—COVID19

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autor: Michael Lorenzo, Deloitte Background Global responses to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak continue to rapidly evolve. COVID-19...

Directivos y la crisis sanitaria: la mayoría prevé efecto negativo en el valor de...

Fuente: Diario Financiero (6 de abril 2020) Para descargar la noticia en PDF HAZ CLICK AQUÍ: Directivos y la crisis sanitaria  

Comunicaciones en tiempos de crisis – Pablo Halpern

Reportaje a Pablo Halpern, director del Centro de Reputación Corporativa del ESE Business School, publicado en El Mercurio (5 de abril 2020). Para ver...

COVID-19 and First Concerns for the Boardroom

Fuente: Directors & Boards Autor: David Shapiro As companies seek to understand and react to the particular ways in which the coronavirus pandemic may imperil their...

COVID-19: Implications for business

Fuente: McKinsey & Company Autor: Matt Craven, Linda Liu, Mihir Mysore, and Matt Wilson The coronavirus outbreak is first and foremost a human tragedy, affecting hundreds of...

Managing Strategic Risks in the Face of the Coronavirus

Fuente: Directors & Boards Autor: David A. Brown and Luke Trompeter It took less than three months for the virus to spread to tens of thousands...

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