Running the Risks: How Corporate Boards Can Oversee Environmental, Social And Governance Issues

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation Autor: Veena Ramani and Hannah Saltman, Ceres As the risks from environmental, social and governance...

¿Cómo debe reaccionar el directorio ante una crisis?

Fuente: El Mercurio Autor: EY, Instituto de Directores Chile

EY analyzes cybersecurity risk disclosure

Fuente: Cooley Autor: Cydney Posner  What are companies disclosing about their efforts to oversee cybersecurity risk?  In this article, Ernst & Young analyzes cybersecurity-related disclosures in the...

Corporate governance through an internal audit lens

Fuente: Ethical Boardroom By Richard F. Chambers – President and CEO, The Institute of Internal Auditors   When a major retailer’s point-of-sale (POS) system was hacked during the...

Risk Culture: More Work Needed from Boards in Financial Services

Fuente: The Wall Street Journal Only 60% of chief risk officers (CROs) at global financial institutions say their boards have worked at embedding the organization’s...

Global audit committee: Looking ahead in 2019

Fuente: Ethical Boardroom Autor: Timothy Copnell – Executive Chairman, KPMG’s UK Audit Committee Institute   Audit committees can expect their company’s financial reporting, compliance,  risk and internal control environment...

Emerging Technologies, Risk, and the Auditor’s Focus

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation Autor: Julie Bell Lindsay, Anita Doutt, and Catherine Ide, Center for Audit Quality Introduction Emerging technologies are...

Good Governance: Do Boards Need Cyber Security Experts?

Fuente: Forbes Autor: Robin Ferracone  In today’s digital world, with near-instantaneous conveyance of information and data, cyber-events could (and routinely do) rapidly impact brand and shareholder...

What Boards Can Do to Prepare for Crises

Fuente: Harvard Business Review Autor: Eric J. McNulty y Leonard Marcus Complex, fast-moving threats to organizations can happen at any time. Disruptions from severe weather events, to...

Sea World and the Reputational Risk: A Bigger Piece of Investor Legal Actions

Fuente: Directors and Boards Autor: Dr. Nir Kossovsky What recent actions against SeaWorld, Wells Fargo, and others, portend for corporate and director exposure Last year, the Securities...

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