Corporate Governance in the Face of an Activist Investor
Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance
Autor: Jonathan Macey is Sam Harris Professor of Corporate Law, Corporate Finance and Securities Law at Yale...
Ripples of Responsibility: How Long-Term Investors Navigate Uncertainty With Purpose
Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance
Autores: Matthew Leatherman, Ariel Babcock, and Victoria Tellez, FCLTGlobal
Investment organizations around the world face an array of...
Seminario: Talento, Diversidad y Valor Empresarial: Insights Clave
Revisa los momentos clave del seminario "Talento, Diversidad y Valor empresarial" organizado por el ministerio de la mujer y equidad de género, junto con...
Exxon y Shell obligadas a reducir su impacto climático, estrategias inéditas para influir en...
Autores: Isabel Ferrer, El País y Matt Egan, CNN Español; editado por Francisco Pavlic, Centro de Gobierno Corporativo y...
Director Compensation Practices in the Russell 3000 and S&P 500 (2018 to 2021)
Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance
Autores: Matteo Tonello (The Conference Board), Mark Emanuel (Semler Brossy), Todd Sirras (Semler Brossy), Elijah Ostro (Semler...
Trust: A Critical Asset
Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance
Autores: Don Fancher, Jennifer Lee, and Debbie McCormack, Deloitte
The responsibilities of boards of directors continue to evolve...
ESG in the Biden era
Fuente: Ethical Boardroom
Autor: By Alexandra Wrage, President at TRACE International
After it became clear that Joe Biden had won the US presidential election in November,...
What is ESG? Depends on Whom You Ask
Fuente: Two Sigma - (Para descargar el docuemento final, haz click aqui)
Autor: Alex Botte, Mike Nigro, David Cohen
We illustrate some of the ESG data...
The year sustainability went mainstream
Fuente: Ethical Boardroom
Autor: Martine Valcin, Global Manager, Corporate Governance / ESG Advisory, Knowledge and Learning in the ESG Advice and Solutions Department at International...
Purposeful Business
Fuente: Ethical Boardroom
Autor: By John C. Coffee, Jr, the Adolf A. Berle Professor of Law at Columbia University Law School and Director of its...