Sucesión de la gerencia general en la empresa chilena: oportunidades y desafíos

Fuente: ESE Business School, Universidad de Los Andes, Centro de Gobierno Corporativo y Sociedad PARA VER EL DOCUMENTO EN PDF, HAGA CLICK AQUI - ESTUDIO...

The First Outside Director

Fuente: Graduate School of Stanford Business Autor: David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan Little is known about the process by which pre-IPO companies select independent, outside board members...

Finding your next CEO

Fuente: Ethical Boardroom Autor: Anthony Abbatiello & Luke Meynell – Board and CEO Advisory Partners at Russell Reynolds A CEO succession is one of the most important...

Duración del gerente general en el cargo (2005-2020)

Fuente: Centro de Gobierno Corporativo y Sociedad, ESE Business School PARA VER Y DESCARGAR EL DOCUMENTO EN PDF, HAZ CLICK AQUI - DURACIÓN GERENCIA GENERAL...

The Board’s Impact on Long-term Value

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autor: Shawn Cooper (Russell Reynolds Associates) and Sarah Keohane Williamson (FCLTGlobal) Haz click aquí para acceder al estudio...

Making Corporate Purpose Tangible—A Survey of Investors

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autor: Edouard Dubois and Ali Saribas, SquareWell Partners Ltd Calls for a more responsible capitalism have gone louder...

Pwc’s 2019 Annual Corporate Directors Survey


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