ESG Matters

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Summary High/favorable ISS ESG Corporate Rating performance is Generally Positively Related to Valuation and Profitability and Negatively...

Equality pays: the economic and social benefits of women on boards

Fuente: Board Agenda Autor: MARIA DEL CARMEN VALLS MARTINEZ The economic, social and environmental benefits derived from greater gender equality on boards are numerous—and increasingly important to...

The Board’s Impact on Long-term Value

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autor: Shawn Cooper (Russell Reynolds Associates) and Sarah Keohane Williamson (FCLTGlobal) Haz click aquí para acceder al estudio...

Duración del gerente general en el cargo (2005-2020)

Fuente: Centro de Gobierno Corporativo y Sociedad, ESE Business School PARA VER Y DESCARGAR EL DOCUMENTO EN PDF, HAZ CLICK AQUI - DURACIÓN GERENCIA GENERAL...

What’s At Risk: An 18-Month View of a Post-COVID World

Fuente: Visual Capitalist Autor: Iman Ghosh What’s At Risk: An 18-Month View of a Post-COVID World As the world continues to grapple with the effects of COVID-19,...

Towards a Common Language for Sustainable Investing

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autor: Barbara Novick, BlackRock, Inc Introduction: The need for a common language Interest in “sustainable Investing”—incorporating various environmental, social,...

Primer Barómetro de Empresas con Propósito – PwC y Acción Empresas

Descarga el documento en PDF haciendo click aqui: 1er Barómetro de Empresas con Propósito ...

COVID19 y Latinoamérica: Estudio Kingsley Gate Partners

Fuente: Kingsley Gate Partners  Si quieres leer el documento oficial en PDF, HAZ CLICK AQUI

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