COVID19 y Latinoamérica: Estudio Kingsley Gate Partners

Fuente: Kingsley Gate Partners  Si quieres leer el documento oficial en PDF, HAZ CLICK AQUI

How Boards Govern Disruptive Technology—Key Findings from a Director Survey

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation Autor: Steve Klemash and Jennifer Lee, EY Center for Board Matters, and Kris Pederson,...

Strategies to Increase Representation of Women and Minorities—Testimony Before the Committee on Financial Services,...

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation Autor: Chelsa Gurkin, U.S. Government Accountability Office Background Overview of Board Directors’ Roles and Responsibilities Our previous...

CEOs: Architects of Prosperity

Fuente: Egon Zehnder Para ver y descargar el documento, haz click aqui: CEOs Architects of Prosperity ...

Want a better decision? Plan a better meeting

Fuente: Mckinsey & Company Autor:Aaron De Smet, Gregor Jost, and Leigh Weiss Para ver la noticia oficial, haga click aqui   Effective meetings produce better business decisions. Yet too...

Pwc’s 2019 Annual Corporate Directors Survey


Seminario “Por la razón o la fuerza: Diversidad y cuotas en los directorios de...

Encuentra aquí la grabación de lo que fue el Seminario realizado el día miércoles 20 de enero (2021). En esta instancia se presentaron los...

Leveraging the value of female directors

Fuente: Ethical Boardroom Autor: Alfredo Enrione (Founder and Director of the Corporate Governance Centre at ESE Business School, Chile) & Donna Finley (Managing Partner, Finley...

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