Refining the Roadmap: A Guide to Onboarding Next-Gen Board Talent

Fuente: Next Gen Board Leaders The Next Gen Board Leaders community has published a set of recommendations for today’s boards to highlight the little-known challenges,...

¿En qué están las prácticas de reporting ESG?

Fuente: Acción Empresas Autoras: Daniela Winicki, suStrategy & Silvia Bravo, Acción Empresas ¿En qué están las prácticas de reporting? fue el nombre del webinar liderado por...

Corporate Immunity to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autor: Ross Levine (University of California, Berkeley) Which corporate characteristics make companies more “immune” to COVID-19? The COVID-19...

Why CEOs are paid so much

Fuente: CNN Business Autor: Jeanne Sahadi There is no shortage of headlines about CEOs getting paid seriously big money. Last week, for instance, it was revealed that Microsoft CEO Satya...

10 preguntas que hay que hacerse antes de entrar a un directorio

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autores: Sara B. Brody and Jason T. Nichol, Sidley Austin LLP Being asked to join the board of...

Directivos y la crisis sanitaria: la mayoría prevé efecto negativo en el valor de...

Fuente: Diario Financiero (6 de abril 2020) Para descargar la noticia en PDF HAZ CLICK AQUÍ: Directivos y la crisis sanitaria  

Non-Employee Director Pay Practices

Fuente: Harvard law School Forum on Corporate Governande and Financial Regulation Autor: Bill Reilly y Pearl Meyer Pearl Meyer’s “On Point: Non-Employee Director Pay Practices” survey provides...

NACD Public Company Board Governance Survey

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autor: Friso van der Oord, NACD Key Findings Public companies face a conundrum navigating two divergent business forces. Directors identify growing...

Board Pay Under the Microscope

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation Autor: Rebecca Burton and Peter Kim, Willis Towers Watso Director pay programs are under greater...

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